Leetcode gets a bad wrap it seems. Perhaps it is not so much Leetcode itself, as it is its use as an evaluation tool for interviews at Big Tech. People complain that it is not a fair reflection of one's skills as a software engineer. Would you rather hire a good leetcoder or someone with deep real world developer experience? While the nuances of this question may be worth exploring for hiring dec…
Once the code is satisfactory and is ready to be deployed to AWS (e.g. for testing inside a Lambda function), run the following commands: 1. Build image: `docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t image-name:latest .` 2. Authenticate to ECR: `aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 11111222333.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com` 3. Tag image: `doc…
I am experimenting with using the `black` formatter in conjunction with `flake8` and `pylint` in vscode. One common issue I have encountered is that they disagree on line lengths. Based on these recommendations for [black](https://github.com/psf/black/blob/a4014668898f6eb80a9197fc185cac9233f0e68a/docs/compatible_configs.md#configuration-1) and [pylint](https://github.com/psf/black/blob/a401466889…
Adding markdown was relatively straightforward thanks to this [tutorial](https://realpython.com/django-markdown/). All I had to do was to import the markdown package in the `views.py` file and convert the post.body to markdown. ```python import markdown # ... def blog_detail(request, pk): md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=["fenced_code"]) post = Post.objects.get(pk=pk) post.…
This is my first blog post. I spent a couple of hours over MLK weekend trying to figure out how to make a Django website that could host my blog. I followed a tutorial from Real Python to get the blog structure, and then made use of the Render documentation to deploy it. I have pretty much zero webdev experience but I tried to speedrun this to get something working as quickly as possible, without…